
19th of april: Trade without barriers? A virtual talk about Perspectives of economic cooperation between Latin America, the Caribbean and Germany

Germany’s business has traditionally a high level of presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. This goes back at least to the beginnings of the 20th century, when the first German Chambers were founded in the region. Today, we experience a globalized economy coming under increasing stress not only because of the COVID outbreak, but also by a more and more protectionistic behaviour of economic heavyweights on the globe, such as the U.S. and China. The lines of global trade conflicts have become an issue for many countries in the world even when they aren’t directly involved. Therefore, freeing the flow of trade of goods and services and, at the same time, making investments possible is one of the major goals of European and also German trade politics. In the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Alliances we have found trusteable and stable partners for the building of a world with less trade barriers. Today, representatives of German Business want to discuss with them opportunities and issues of a even more intense and trustful economic cooperation. Our webinar Trade without barriers? Perspectives of economic cooperation between Latin America, the Caribbean and Germany will join high ranked representatives of member countries of the region’s most important economic and political alliances to give us their view on the potentials of an enhanced cooperation in the future.
