
23rd of april: Sustainability and Resilience: Recovering economy post COVID-19 in the SICA region (Central America and Dominican Republic)

The SICA region was, in 2020, hit very hard not only by COVID-19, but also by an exceptional series of tropical storms. This has put the economies of its member countries under great stress.

High ranked political representatives will discuss, together with experts from the business sector, the following questions:

Which is the route of the SICA members towards a sustainable and resilient economic recovery? Which resources are already available? Which are the main issues? Which innovative tools can the international community’s solidarity provide? Which economic sectors are, on the national and international level, the most important fort he recovery?

Together with Germany, an important strategic partner of the SICA region, we will highlight these questions and try to find answers together in a conversation between country’s and SICA representatives and experts.
